Dr. Pradeep Muley M.D.

Senior Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Date of Birth : September 27, 1963
Nationality : Indian
Contact: + 91-9810492778
Email: - muleypradeep@hotmail.com



Fellow Interventional Radiology. Singapore General Hospital, Singapore.
Visiting Associate, Neurointerventional Radiology, Iowa University Hospitals, USA
Visiting Fellow, Neurointerventional Radiology, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, USA
Lecturer, Vascular & Interventional Radiology, KEM Hospital, Mumbai, India .
Neuroradiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India.
Consultant Interventional Radiologist, KIMS hospital, Trivandrum, Kerala, India

Multi-Discipline Medical Team
Department of Interventional Radiology was established by Dr.Pradeep Muley. He is assisted by a team of trained nurses and practicing radiologists and personally participates in all interventional procedures.

Department of Interventional Radiology is specifically designed with facility of two well equipped & modern Cath-labs for all diagnostic & Radiological interventional procedures (Vascular, nonvascular & image guided Interventions). He has performed more than 20000 diagnostic & various interventional radiological procedures.




Recent achievements of Department of Body & Neuro Interventional Radiology

  • India’s 1st Uterine “FIBROID CLUB” For “Non-Surgical treatment of uterine fibroids” Our Department has performed maximum numbers of uterine artery embolization for fibroids and uterine adenomyosis in the country.
  • Authorized to perform Yttrium-90 Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma/Liver Tumours
  • PRECISION TACE for Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Neuroendocrine Hepatic Metastases by newly introduced Drug Eluting Beads (DC Beads) (New Intra-arterial Drug Delivery System for the Treatment of Liver Cancer & Metastases)
  • Provide more safety and nearly 0% complication in Hemodialysis Catheter Placement and Management of AV fistulae/AV graft (All procedures are performed according to the international guidelines made for hemodialysis catheter placement and management).
  • Pioneer in DELHI & NCR for Non-surgical treatment of Liver Tumor by Multipolar RFA.
  • Doing successfully various types of Guided Venous Interventional Procedures in emergency situations.
  • Performed more than 250 patients Bronchial Artery Embolization for hemoptysis.
  • Performed various Neurointerventional Procedures like aneurysm coiling, tumor embolization, stent assisted coiling for giant aneurysm.

UTERINE FIBROID CLUB for women who are suffering from uterine fibroids. AIM of this clinic is to decide whether patient is suitable for UTERINE ARTERY EMBOLIZATION. Pre-embolization basic investigations can be performed on Outpatient basis. This club provides:-

  • General information about fibroids,
  • Latest treatment options available for fibroid internationally,
  • To share knowledge between patients who have undergone non-surgical treatment.
  • Update knowledge among the gynecologist, general practitioner, family doctors and women health organizations
  • Patients can even take free consultation through this club.
  • If any research is going on internationally, they will be notified by this web site.

Today, the hospital offers tertiary care in 42 Super-Specialties which are supported by a large and competent team of doctors, nurses, technicians and paramedical staff. The hospital has an infrastructure comprising of 495 beds, 14 operation theaters, 112 ICU beds, emergency facilities, full range of state-of-art diagnostic and comprehensive rehabilitation facilities. This is in line with the continuing ethos of “combine the best medical care with warmth and tenderness” which is so essential to the healing process.

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Other Non Surgical Treatments:
Uterine Fibroids, Uterine Adenomyosis, Varicocele, Hemangiomas etc.