Patient Success Stories

I recently had my varicose veins treated using method Radiofrequency Ablation by Dr. Pradeep Muley MD based in New Delhi. The varicose vein was causing me pain, swelling, dilated veins in leg with pigmentation around my ankle. I was unhappy with the way they looked.
I was searching the internet for cure and found Dr. Pradeep Muley MD who already treated more than 500 patients of varicose vein. I just took the appointment for a consultation. He examined my leg and explained all the different treatment options to me. He recommended the Radiofrequency Ablation treatment for my case.
I had the procedure 2 days later after my routine investigation. I was very pleased that it could be done in moderate anesthesia in day care but my insurance policy required 24 hrs hospitalization.
The procedure was exactly same as explained to me at the time of consultation. I had a short anaesthetic injection and this was completely painless. I felt nothing during my whole procedure.
After the procedure I had a bandage on my leg which I had to keep on overnight. I then had to wear a support stocking for 1 to 4 week, only in day. Even the stockings were great - they looked just like skin color.
I was doing everything as normal the day after the procedure. My leg felt very slightly stiff for a day or so but there was no pain. It is now 8 weeks since it was done. My leg looks so much better without the ugly vein colouration and pain and now the swelling also significantly disappeared. I am very glad after my treatment.

Sunita Gupta
42 yrs Female

I recently visited a family for dinner who came from India, New Delhi after his wife’s varicose vein treatment She told me her pain and swelling is gone, all dilated tortuous veins have started disappearing and she was feeling very good now. I was also suffering from the same problem and also had the venous ulcer in my leg. It looked very bad and ugly. Because of pain and swelling it was not possible for me to stand even for 2-3 hrs in my shop. After seeing the improvement in my friend’s wife, I also wanted to go to New Delhi for my treatment. My local doctors were only doing surgery which I didn’t’ want. I sent a mail to Dr. Pradeep Muley MD, an Interventional Radiologist based in New Delhi, India for evaluation of my case. He promptly replied and even gave me an invitation letter for my visa work, after three weeks I went to New Delhi. The first day Dr. Muley examined my leg and explained all the different treatment options to me. He recommended the Radiofrequency Ablation treatment for my case.
I had the procedure 2 days later after my routine investigation. I was very pleased that it could be done in moderate anesthesia. After the procedure I had a bandage on my leg which I had to keep on overnight. I then had to wear a support stocking for 1 to 4 week, only in daytime. I was doing everything as normal the day after the procedure. In my leg I felt slight pain for a day. It is now 8 weeks. My leg look so much better without the ugly vein, pain and now the swelling also significantly disappeared and now I can stand for long time in my shop also. Thanks to Dr. Pradeep Muley.

Ali Mohammed
35 yrs Male, Iraq

On Monday morning I underwent a procedure to repair varicose veins in both my legs by new latest technique Radiofrequency ablation. The left leg had to have more extensive problem as compared to right leg. After a mild sedation, I had a lovely sleep during the procedure. After 1 hr I was shifted to my room with a compression stockings in legs. My left leg had little pain. Dr. Muley prescribed pain killers. After 30 minutes I started walking in my room without any pain. Next day morning I went home driving car. I resumed my normal activities right from next day.
The only problem I experienced was the tightening of the stockings to the point that the stocking had to be changed. I contacted Dr. Pradeep Muley on his personal mobile and he recommended lots of walking. His staff members have been wonderful.
Thanking you.

M J. Nigeria

Just a short letter of appreciation for my varicose vein treatment by Radiofrequency Ablation procedure conducted on my both legs. I had my treatment on May, 2006. Within two weeks I was quite surprised to see the improvement in my legs. As being housewife now I can do my routine day to day work with-out any pain.
Six years ago I had gone for 5 sittings of sclerotherapy but no improvement.
I know that technology has become more advanced over the years but I still feel that what you have done for me is very appreciative and I thank you for the work performed. I recommend this procedure to anyone with the same varicose vein problem as mine and I believe that they will not be sorry.
Thanking you very much.

Reena Mehta
39 yrs Female, New Delhi

" Painless procedure with only one day of recovery felt like a dream treatment compared to the pain and long recovery I have seen in so many patients who had gone through the open surgery before."

Being a practicing orthopaedic surgeon, I go through long hrs of standing in an operation theater. I always get pain and swelling at the end of the day with restless feeling before sleeping. I am using compression stockings as precaution since last 2 months but no result. I visited general surgeon 2-3 times, but always suggested a vein stripping surgery But I knew it may not be good because of long recovery and off from the work.
On Sunday I was just surfing the net for easy treatment for my varicose vein, I came across the web site of Dr. Pradeep Muley an Interventional Radiologist in my own city I was surprised to see the new treatment Radiofrequency ablation which did not need any rest and on top of that no cut also.
I gave a call to Dr. Pradeep Muley for further discussion when the Radiofrequency ablation procedure was explained to me. I was impressed and got admitted next day. The procedure was done in the morning and it all turned out to be as promised. It was painless. I recovered within a few hours, felt great the next day. I started my routine OPD and within three days started other heavy works with-out any pain and other problem.
I know in hospitals, most of the staff have long standing hrs and good number of people are at risk of varicose vein. Whenever I see a patient of varicose vein I recommend to get the treatment by Dr. Pradeep Muley.
Thanks a lot Sir

Dr. Manoj
32 yrs Male
Orthopaedic surgeon, New Delhi
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